Our Staff

Karin L. Pugh, LM
Licensed Midwife/Owner
Karin is the mother of three adult children and a proud grandmother. She has been happily married to her husband David for over 40 years. Several years ago, her heart became burdened with the desire to participate in the birthing community. She began her work with mothers and babies by serving as a doula. Karin soon recognized that her true calling was to become a midwife. She reached that goal in 2007. She began practicing as a home-birth midwife shortly after receiving her license. Karin quickly recognized that in order for her to touch the hearts and lives of more young women, she would need to modify her home birth practice to include a birthing center. Despite many adversities and challenges, Karin successfully launched Loving Arms Birth and Wellness Center in January of 2015.
Emily Rizzo, LM
Licensed Midwife

Alison Miranda, IBCLC, B.S.
AM Lactation Support
website- www.AMLactationSupport.com
email- Alison@AMLactationSupport.com
Phone- 401-252-9332
I am an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Maternal & Child Health with a specialization in Human Lactation. I came to this path in life through my own struggles breastfeeding/pumping for a premature child and then breastfeeding a tongue and lip tied child. I have been on both sides of the fence in breastfeeding both struggling myself and then helping families with their struggles. I understand breastfeeding is not easy for everyone and work to provide in-office individualized care and set plans for each family. When I am not providing breastfeeding care to families, I can be found rocking a mom bun in the drop offline at school and buying everything at Target that I don’t need! I have been happily married to my husband for almost 15 years and have two children aged 11 & 6. I was born and raised in the Northeast but now call Florida home!
Students/Birth Assistants:
Tai Coicou
Sophia Turrull
Childbirth Instructor:
Tai Coicou